Elders and Deacons

Meet our church officers and learn how they serve our church


About Our Elders:

The Elder and His Duties

Within the class of elder are the two orders of teaching elders and ruling elders. The elders jointly have the government and spiritual oversight of the Church, including teaching. Only those elders who are specially gifted, called and trained by God to preach may serve as teaching elders. 

1: Oversee / Rule

  • To watch diligently over the flock committed to their charge, that no corruption of doctrine or morals enter in
  • To exercise government and discipline
  • To take oversight of the spiritual interests of the particular church, and the Church generally when called

2: Shepherd

  • To visit the people at their homes, especially the sick
  • To pray with and for the people, being careful and diligent in seeking the fruit of the preached Word among the flock
  • To bear glad tiding of salvation to the ignorant and perishing
  • To dispense the manifold grace of God and the ordinances instituted by Christ
  • To administer the Sacraments

3: Instruct

  • To instruct the ignorant, comfort the mourner, nourish and guard the children of the church
  • To set a worthy example to the flock entrusted to their care by zeal in evangelizing the unconverted and in making disciples
  • To feed the flock by reading, expounding and preaching the Word of God
  • To declare the will of God to sinners and beseech them to be reconciled to God through Christ
  • To proclaim the Gospel

Our Elders

Art Baumann (2024)

Art Baumann and his wife Letta have been members of Old Cutler since 2000. They have two adult sons. Art served as a deacon and chaired the Diaconate for two terms. He is currently the chair of the Personnel Committee and serves on the Finance Committee. He is a small group leader for our Wednesday night groups. 

Rick Cook (2024)

Rick Cook and his wife Shelley have been members of Old Cutler since 1977. They have three adult sons. Rick has previously served as a Bible study leader and is currently a First Impressions volunteer and assists our security team using his knowledge as Retired Chief of the Coral Gables Fire Department. Rick and Shelley are long-time participants in the small group ministry of OCPC.

Hector Padron (2024)

Hector Padron and his wife Marilyn have been church members since 2019. They have three adult children. Prior to joining OCPC, Hector had extensive ministry experience at former churches as a Sunday school teacher, BSF leader, deacon, and youth leader, as well as serving in ministry at Coral Ridge Ministries in Fort Lauderdale. Hector is an active Sunday school teacher at OCPC.

Esmond Scott (2024)

Esmond Scott and his wife Marcia have been members of OCPC for the 22 years. Esmond has served as a group leader for BSF, has been a small group leader at OCPC and has been teaching an adult Sunday school class for the last 5-plus years. Esmond and Marcia have two adult children.

Ray Fernandez-Andes (2025)

Ray Fernandez-Andes and his wife Patricia have been members of Old Cutler since 2013. They have two sons. Ray is a board member of Miami Youth for Christ and board member and treasurer at Florida Christian School. He has been a Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) group leader since 2012. Ray currently leads a men’s small group at OCPC and is the chair of the Finance Committee.

Damian Lue (2025)

Damian Lue and his wife Trudy have been members of Old Cutler since 2002. They have two adult children. Damian has enjoyed serving in the children’s ministry for 15 years and currently serves as a teacher in the JoyJamz ministry on Sunday morning. He assists his wife Trudy with the upkeep of our grounds and decorating for the Christmas season.

Richard Morin (2025)

Richard Morin and his wife Lisellet have been members of Old Cutler since 2008. They have four adult children. Richard serves as a Bible Study Fellowship children’s leader and participates in the BSF men’s group. He is very active in the mission efforts of OCPC and co-chairs our Mission Committee.

Steve Martinez (2025)

Steve Martinez and his wife Shannon have been members since 2016. They have two children. Steve was a former leader for men’s Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) and currently leads a small group on Wednesday nights. As a member of the Diaconate, Steve served as chairman and served as chair on the Building Committee.

Stanley Kowlessar (2026)

Stanley Kowlessar and his wife Myriam have been members since 1991. They have two adult children and one grandchild. He and Myriam together served in the divorce care ministry, and Stanley has served in the homeless ministry, our Habitat for Humanity ministry, and as a deacon, serving twice as chairman of the Diaconate.

Tim Pappas (2026)

Tim Pappas and his wife Peggy have four grown children and joined Old Cutler in 2020. Tim attends Sunday school, participates in our Wednesday nights and is a member of a Small Group. In prior churches, he served as a ruling elder, Small Group leader, and on the finance team.

Luis Soto (2026)

Luis Soto and his wife Isabela have three grown children and have been members since 2007. Luis has been active in our Small Group ministry as a facilitator, as a Sunday school teacher and assisted with the Spanish ministry church plant. Luis has also previously served as an elder.

Pete Waldman (2026)

Pete Waldman has been a member of Old Cutler since 1998. Pete and his wife Hortensia have three adult children. Pete has been a part of OCPC’s youth ministry for 20 years. He has attended mission trips to the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Jamaica, and Peru. He currently serves as the Clerk of the OCPC Session.

Aziz Aboreden (2027)

Aziz Aboreden and his wife Margie have three adult children and have been members since November 2017. They are actively involved in Wednesday night activities where Aziz serves as a small group facilitator and they now lead a small group in their home. Aziz has also taught Sunday school, has been an active member of BSF, and served as a group leader since 2015.

George Brown (2027)

George Brown and his wife Marilyn have two adult sons and have been members since 1985. George currently co-chairs the Mission Committee. Through the years, he and Marilyn have helped guide the mission efforts at OCPC through their leadership on the committee, organizing our mission festival and participating in short-term mission trips.

Mike Larson (2027)

Mike Larson and his wife Kimberly have three young children. They have been members for six years and have served together in Joyland Kids for four years. Mike is involved in our small group ministry, both during the week and as a leader on Wednesday nights. He is also a teacher in our Sunday school class rotation.

Kenny Oliver (2027)

Kenny and his wife Cristen have three adult children and have been members since November 2018. Kenny served as an elder in his prior church and has been involved in youth ministry, teaching Sunday school, participating in small groups and outreach and evangelism ministries.

Ibrahim Sakkab (2027)

Ibrahim and his wife Lori have two adult children and one grandchild. They attended OCPC for 10 years before moving away for a season. Upon their return, they rejoined in 2019. Ibrahim previously served as a deacon, and currently serves as a small group leader, member on the security team, and in the children’s ministry.


About Our Deacons:

The Deacon and His Duties

The office of deacon is not one of rule, but rather of service both to the physical and spiritual needs of the people.

1: Mercy

  •  To minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress
  • To develop the grace of liberality in the members of the church

2: Finance

  • To devise effective methods of collecting the gifts of the people
  • To distribute these gifts among the objects to which they are contributed
  • To care for the property of the congregation, both real and personal

3: Building

  • To keep the church edifice and other buildings in proper repair

Our Deacons:

Adolph Barclay (2024)

Joel Davis (2024)

Adam Gaschott (2024)

Nathan Hays (2024)

Mickey Lopez (2024)

Tony Mercadal (2024)

Ron Hammon (2025)

Steve Hendrikse (2025)

Corey Swenson (2025)

Doug Hathaway (2026)

Sean Pendray (2026)

Wally Allen (2027)

Joe Barron (2027)

Jason Bogk (2027)

Francis Lee (2027)

Christopher Lilburn (2027)

Efrain Montesino (2027)

Tyrone Shire (2027)

David Zack (2027)