Elders and Deacons

Meet our church officers and learn how they serve our church


About Our Elders:

The Elder and His Duties

Within the class of elder are the two orders of teaching elders and ruling elders. The elders jointly have the government and spiritual oversight of the Church, including teaching. Only those elders who are specially gifted, called and trained by God to preach may serve as teaching elders. 

1: Oversee / Rule

  • To watch diligently over the flock committed to their charge, that no corruption of doctrine or morals enter in
  • To exercise government and discipline
  • To take oversight of the spiritual interests of the particular church, and the Church generally when called

2: Shepherd

  • To visit the people at their homes, especially the sick
  • To pray with and for the people, being careful and diligent in seeking the fruit of the preached Word among the flock
  • To bear glad tiding of salvation to the ignorant and perishing
  • To dispense the manifold grace of God and the ordinances instituted by Christ
  • To administer the Sacraments

3: Instruct

  • To instruct the ignorant, comfort the mourner, nourish and guard the children of the church
  • To set a worthy example to the flock entrusted to their care by zeal in evangelizing the unconverted and in making disciples
  • To feed the flock by reading, expounding and preaching the Word of God
  • To declare the will of God to sinners and beseech them to be reconciled to God through Christ
  • To proclaim the Gospel

Our Elders

Ray Fernandez-Andes (2025)

Damian Lue (2025)

Steve Martinez (2025)

Richard Morin (2025)

Stanley Kowlessar (2026)

Tim Pappas (2026)

Luis Soto (2026)

Pete Waldman (2026)

Aziz Aboreden (2027)

George Brown (2027)

Mike Larson (2027)

Kenny Oliver (2027)

Ibrahim Sakkab (2027)

Cullen Barbier (2028)

Art Baumann (2028)

Bob Galt (2028)

Marlon Moffett (2028)

Hector Padron (2028)

Esmond Scott (2028)


About Our Deacons:

The Deacon and His Duties

The office of deacon is not one of rule, but rather of service both to the physical and spiritual needs of the people.

1: Mercy

  •  To minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress
  • To develop the grace of liberality in the members of the church

2: Finance

  • To devise effective methods of collecting the gifts of the people
  • To distribute these gifts among the objects to which they are contributed
  • To care for the property of the congregation, both real and personal

3: Building

  • To keep the church edifice and other buildings in proper repair

Our Deacons:

Ron Hammon (2025)

Steve Hendrikse (2025)

Corey Swenson (2025)

Doug Hathaway (2026)

Tony Mercadal (2026)

Sean Pendray (2026)

Caleb Waller (2026)

Wally Allen (2027)

Joe Barron (2027)

Jason Bogk (2027)

Francis Lee (2027)

Christopher Lilburn (2027)

Efrain Montesino (2027)

Tyrone Shire (2027)

David Zack (2027)

Eric Benk (2028)

Jonathan Colon (2028)

Adam Gaschott (2028)

Scott Hamilton (2028)

Clay Schmitt (2028)

Joe Sirgany (2028)

Mike Tunez (2028)

Emmanuel Uche (2028)