Hurricane Ian Disaster Relief

Pray. Give. Go.

Hurricane Ian Disaster Relief

We have partnered with Mission to North America (MNA) to provide Disaster Relief to the areas in Florida that were impacted by Hurricane Ian. MNA is one of our denomination’s missions focused organizations that is equipped to provide immediate response and supplies to devastated areas by partnering with other PCA churches in those communities.

Your help is requested. Pray for your disaster response team, for Godly wisdom. You can provide immediate help in the following ways:

Pray — Most of all, pray! Pray for those affected by this historic storm. Pray for us, your disaster response team, for Godly wisdom and unction. Pray for skilled volunteers who can mobilize safely in the days ahead. now. And pray for the financial resources that allow us to respond now as your ambassadors, pray for opportunities to assist our church family and to meet new people and demonstrate the Love of Christ.  


Give — Perhaps the best way you can help is to give a financial gift to support this vital work. Financial gifts will be used to facilitate the movement of mission critical assets which is already underway. Please prayerfully consider giving generously. Resources are needed to establish and operate volunteer hosting sites. To provide financial grants administered through PCA Diaconates to families with needs; to help satisfy catastrophic insurance deductibles for PCA members and to repair PCA owned physical plants, to mobilize first-responder teams and long-term recovery teams. To provide bridge-funding for church staff, and to equip local congregations to reach out with the Love of Christ to their neighbors.


Go — As soon as possible we will begin mobilizing highly skilled and equipped teams. This will be arduous work for healthy, experienced individuals only. We will first concentrate on stabilizing homes, chainsaw work, tarping and roofing, debris removal, ripping out sheetrock and contaminated insulation and flooring (what we refer to as gutting and mucking). As soon as possible we will deploy Sheds of Hope, if needed. If you can organize and mobilize chainsaw, tarping, and debris cleanup teams, we need your help. Teams of 6-8 healthy/hardy volunteers work best. Teams should be equipped with their own tools. 

To donate to this urgent need electronically and safely: Click here.

To register as a MNA Disaster Response Volunteer: Click here.

To learn more about Mission to North America: Click here.