Missions Festival 2025: Come Follow Me
Experience this powerful week of events and see how the gospel is changing the world! Meet local and global missionaries and discover the life-changing work happening here in our city and all across the globe! Learn about all the amazing opportunities we have to serve our missionaries and share the love of Christ to those around us!
Dates: Saturday, February 22nd - Sunday, March 2
Matthew 4:19: “And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.””
Give towards Missions Through Faith Promise
Along with prayer, Faith Promise giving is your most direct route to actively making a difference in world missions. A Faith Promise pledge is a prayerful vow to give a specific amount above your normal tithe which will go directly to the Missions Ministry.
We have faith that God would do the miraculous in the hearts of people. We ask you to ask God, in faith, to give you something unexpected that you can give to Missions. Your role is to ask, watch, and then give some or all of it to Missions, becoming a crucial part of the extraordinary work God is accomplishing through our church’s global outreach efforts.
Missions Festival Events:
Saturday, Feb. 22, 8am - 10am
Men, join us for breakfast and a time of powerful prayer as we pray for the Missions Festival week and our missionaries. (Free!)
Sunday, Feb. 23: 9am-10am
Start the day by enjoying a meal with our missionaries at our “Breakfast by the Shore” before the worship service. It's a great opportunity to meet friends and hear from missionaries. (Free!)
Sunday, Feb. 23: 10:30am
Pastor Mike kicks off the Missions Festival as missionaries are presented during the worship service that is Christ-centered and will discuss the importance of missionaries at Old Cutler.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of Missions Festival Week
Meet with friends and hear from missionaries at dinner gatherings in homes around church.
Wednesday, Feb. 26 at 6pm, Zeigler Hall
Enjoy an exciting dinner experience with friends as we hear from our missionaries in a panel discussion led by Pastor Mike.
Saturday, March 1, 9am - 10:30am
Women, join us for breakfast and a time of powerful prayer as we pray for our missionaries and our church.
Sunday, March 2: Sunday School: 9am-10am; Worship Service: 10:30am
Join us during the Sunday School hour to meet with missionaries. Then guest speaker, Dr. Lloyd Kim, coordinator of Mission to the World, will close the Missions Festival Week as missionaries are presented during the service.
Missionaries We Support
Agencies We Support:
... and one time gifts to many ministries for projects
Missionaries We Support:
Angel Aguirre, Palm Ministries
Godwin Altidor, YFC International-Haiti
Christopher Andino, Mission to the World, Columbia
Sandro and Veronica Arandi, Impact
Jose Aristedes, MINTS Brazil
Manny & Terri Bersach, MTW, Columbia
Rosemary Bolton, MTW
Colleen Boyd, Wycliffe Bible Translators
Ben and Kristiana Buckman, Brazil
Nathan and Janelle Buckman, MINTS Prison Ministries
Adam and Michelle Cain, MTW, Honduras
Gary and Marlene Cameron, InterVarsity
Gary and Anita Chambers, Mission to the World
David and Ellyn Clayton: CRU
Chris Coppolo, MINTS, Prison Ministry
James Drake, CRU, Miami
Daniel and Abby Eguiluz, Serge, Peru
Bob and Sheila Felder, WAVES, Youth With a Mission
Eliezer and Morelia Gonzalez, Leadership Resources
Greg Hauenstein, 222 Leadership Seminary
Neal and Sandy Hegeman, MINTS
Taylor and Sally Hostetter, Navigators
Avery Jones, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Miami
Madison Lopez, Young Life, Miami
Al and Connie McElheren, Impact
Andy Montero, CRU, Japan
Stacy and Omar Morales, Miami Youth For Christ
Dr. David Moran, CITA-EDU
Keith and Sharon Morgan, CRU
Bea Roget, CRU, North Africa
Jeremy and Amanda Ross, Pioneers
Libby Scanio, MTW, El Salvador
Val Schubert, Casa de Luz, Honduras
Efthemes and Eirine Sioukiouroglou, FIM
Barry Smith, MINTS
Dony St. Germain, ESIM, Haiti
Carolyn Thompson, LOGOI
Renzo Taboada Aran, Young Life, Peru
William & Deborah Tyler, CRU
Kenton Wood, Mission to the World, Mexico
Michael Woodham, Alive Again
Jonathan and Fozia Young, United World Missions